Tuesday, January 3, 2012


this is a new entry wound.
and that is the name of that game

page 1 goobledegook

0908 Friday 2 December

I am at my computer working on scheduling stuff :i.e. calendars…. Jose is wandering about in the house. He took a shower a while back

0814 Sunday 4 December

same as above, Jose is not around, Emily and Shelley are.

0857 Monday 5 December 2011

at the computer and about to journey out into the December air.

0701 Wednesday 7 December, 2011

Can’t seem to get the PW. Now what?

0946 Thursday 8 December 2011

What’s up other than Adam et alia.

0747 Monday 12 Dec 2011

I’m up and about to shower and prepare for the day: DONE

Check my PO box, DONE

Staples for pads and pens, etc.. DONE

0641 Tuesday 13 December

Up and at ‘em soon to be off to Starbuck’s for coffee with Kevin.

3:08pm some time later and I’m working on stuff on the table and in the computer.

12:50 pm on Friday afternoon at the iMac trying to catch up with the stuff that has been sent to me. Most touching was the seatbelt commercial…brought tears to my eyes.

Internet up to date with ID, and PWs

note for today the 3rd of Jan 2012

today I am writing stuff, whatever….like that….or that…..