Sunday, November 16, 2008

Moving Right Along...

Grace has found an actor who has, in turn, sent a list of former students/actors. She says that responses are now coming in! We've set a deadline for responses by about the middle of December, but if we do this pot luck idea, then it seems to me that it'll be a wonderful free for all.

I like the idea of brainstorming what to do for the evening with all who are into making suggestions. We discussed the idea of having Ken sit on a 'throne' center stage or in the middle of the space and just have him sit and listen as we all tell favorite anecdotes about our experiences with him.

Please forward ideas and additional email addresses to Grace and/or Shelly. I won't publish anyone's address here. If you send info to me at laotzu (then 41) and then A T yahooooooo daught calm, I can forward the information to the ladies if you don't have their addresses. Remember when doing an email address there are no spaces. Hope this code isn't too confusing. I've heard there are auto systems that cruise the net looking for email addresses to spam.

News about the scholarship fund as it rolls in. Questions? Please post questions and comments here.


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